Thursday, May 7, 2009

Marathon Loading

I am now embarking on the marathon carb loading. It is an interesting thing to eat more than you usually would in hopes that your body will stock pile the carbs to be used on Saturday. I did pretty well eating yesterday, but need to get the cake that I made out of the house. Making cakes for friends gets dangerous.

Breakfast: 1 egg, 2 egg whites, 1 piece of multigrain toast, coffee, 48 oz water.
Snack: 26 almonds
Lunch: Turkey sandwich on multigrain bread, apple, cheese stick, 1 serving of Sunchips, 1 piece of chocolate cake
Running: 3 miles easy with some pick ups
Snack: Vanilla Cone from McDonalds
Dinner: Beef Stroganhoff, 6 oz yogurt
Post Dinner: 3 pieces of Sarpinos Pizza


  1. mmmmm... pizza... on my way to Austin I saw a Punch Pizza and almost pulled in for a trip down memory lane.

  2. Darnit. That comment is from me, Eddo, SOS is my client login for, well, SOS - Song of Solomon.
